issue contents
September 2022 issue

Cover illustration: A detailed description is given of the raw diffraction data that were used for analysis and structure determination of the second extracellular domain of tetraspanin CD9 (CD9EC2). Remarkable features are reported in the diffraction pattern of CD9EC2, which crystallized in space group P1 and was twinned. Two types of diffuse streaks are observed. The stronger diffuse streaks are related to the twinning and occur in the direction perpendicular to the twinning interface. It is concluded that the twin domains scatter coherently as both Bragg reflections and diffuse streaks are seen. The weaker streaks along c* are unrelated to the twinning but are caused by intermittent layers of non-crystallographic symmetry related molecules. It is envisaged that the raw diffraction images could be very useful for methods developers trying to remove the diffuse scattering to extract accurate Bragg intensities or using it to model the effect of packing disorder on the molecular structure. See: Neviani, Lutz, Oosterheert, Gros & Kroon-Batenburg [IUCrData (2022). 7, x220852].

raw data letters

metal-organic compounds

organic compounds