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Figure 2
Schematic, ball-and-stick representation of the anti­parallel, chain-like arrangement of the dipole moments (red arrows of arbitrary units, orientation assumed in the direction of the center point between the two nitro­gen atoms) of the tBu2Sn(NCS)2 mol­ecules as a result of the tin⋯sulfur inter­actions (dashed sticks in gray) and their relation to the crystallographic symmetry elements: mirror plane = m, green line; twofold rotation axis perpendicular to the gray propagation plane = 2, blue arrow; axial glide plane = c, dashed line, violet; above = top view on the propagation plane with organic groups omitted for clarity, below = side view; values in square brackets = distances (Å) of the tin atoms from the glide plane; atom color code used: Sn = bronze, N = blue, C = black, S = yellow, H = white; symmetry transformations used to generate equivalent atoms: (1) x, y, [{1\over 2}] − z; (2) x, [{1\over 2}] − y, [{1\over 2}] + z; (3) x, [{1\over 2}] − y, 1 − z.

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