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Figure 1
Mol­ecular structure of the title compound, with displacement ellipsoids for non-H atoms at the 60% probability level. The inset is an overlay calculated with Mercury (Macrae et al., 2020BB5), comparing the shape of [Cu(H5bis-tris­)Cl]+ (blue) and the title complex [Cu(H4bis-tris­)Cl] (red). The crystal structure of [Cu(H5bis-tris­)Cl]Cl has been published (Inomata et al., 2004BB3; CCDC refcode FIPRAY); however, the authors did not deposit a CIF file at that time. A CSD communication for this compound was thus used for the fit (FIPRAY01; Fortis-Valera et al., 2018BB1).

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ISSN: 2414-3146