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Figure 3
(a) The octa­hedron formed around the (C1/O1) atoms at the 16 d site; (b) the environment of the (C1/O1) atoms with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 99.9% probability level. [Symmetry codes: (xvi) −z + [{1\over 2}], −x + 1, −y + [{1\over 2}]; (xvii) z + [{1\over 2}], x, y + [{1\over 2}]; (xviii) x, y + [{1\over 2}], z + [{1\over 2}]; (xix) −x + 1, −y + [{1\over 2}], −z + [{1\over 2}]; (xx) −y + [{1\over 2}], −z + [{1\over 2}], −x + 1; (xxi) y + [{1\over 2}], z + [{1\over 2}], x.]

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