language-editing services

The Notes for Authors of IUCr Journals state that
Articles should be clearly written and grammatically correct. If the Co-editor concludes that language problems would place an undue burden on the referee(s), the manuscript may be returned to the authors without review.
Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their article professionally edited before submission. The IUCr does not provide a list of suppliers of language-editing services, but language-editing services are available from our publishing partner, Wiley and from Editage. Editage is pleased to offer a special 20% discount to IUCr Journals authors when placing an order through
The editing services provided by Wiley and Editage are not associated with the IUCr, nor any journal published by the IUCr, and the IUCr does not receive any commission or other benefit from the editing services provided by Wiley or Editage. All services acquired from an editing service are at the author's own expense and risk, and the IUCr has no part in the selection of the editing service or the interaction between the author and the supplier. Accordingly, the IUCr does not endorse and accepts no responsibility or liability for any services provided by the editing services, nor do we imply any guarantees, warranties or representations about their content or accuracy.