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ISSN: 2414-3146

C-type Yb2Te3O9

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aInstitut für Anorganische Chemie, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring, 55, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
*Correspondence e-mail:

Edited by M. Weil, Vienna University of Technology, Austria (Received 26 July 2024; accepted 11 September 2024; online 17 September 2024)

The title compound, diytterbium enneaoxidotritellurate(IV), was obtained in its C-type crystal structure from the binary oxides at 1073 K using a CsCl flux. It crystallizes isotypically with C-type Tm2Te3O9 and Lu2Te3O9, closing this gap of knowledge.

3D view (loading...)
[Scheme 3D1]

Structure description

The lanthanoid(III) oxidotellurates(IV) of the formula type Ln2Te3O9 exhibit three structure types depending on the size of the involved Ln3+ cation. With the monoclinic A1 type for Ln = La and Ce and the highly related A2 type for Ln = Pr and Nd (Chou et al., 2021[Chou, S.-C., Höss, P., Russ, P. L., Strobel, S. & Schleid, T. (2021). Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 647, 134-150.]), the likewise monoclinic Dy2Te3O9 in the B type (Meier et al., 2009[Meier, S. F., Höss, P. & Schleid, T. (2009). Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 635, 768-775.]) and the triclinic C type for Ln = Tm (Höss & Schleid, 2008[Höss, P. & Schleid, T. (2008). Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 634, 2047-2047.]) and Lu (Höss et al., 2013[Höss, P., Meier, S. F. & Schleid, T. (2013). Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 639, 2548-2553.]), all these structure types could be characterized on the basis of single-crystal X-ray diffraction data.

Yb2Te3O9 crystallizes isotypically with Tm2Te3O9 and Lu2Te3O9 in the triclinic space group P[\overline{1}]. All atoms in the crystal structure occupy the general position 2i. The six crystallographically different Yb3+ cations are surrounded seven- or eightfold by oxygen [d(Yb—O) = 2.130 (6)–2.737 (6) Å] and the resulting distorted coordination polyhedra undergo condensation via common corners and edges to form [Yb6O27]36– layers with a pronounced profile structure parallel to (001). The nine distinct tellurium atoms are each surrounded in the primary coordination sphere by three oxygen atoms with typical distances d(Te—O) = 1.844 (7)–1.955 (6) Å, which together with the free, non-bonding electron pairs of the Te4+ cations result in a ψ1-tetra­hedral shape of the corresponding oxidotellurate(IV) anions. In addition, secondary inter­actions typical for lanthanoid(III) oxidotellurates(IV) also occur between several [TeO3]2– units [d(Te⋯O) = 2.380 (6)-2.729 (7) Å]. So two of the [TeO3]2– anions link the [Yb6O27]36– layers in the [001] direction, resulting in a tri-periodic network. This leaves sufficient space between the layers for the free non-bonding electron pairs of the Te4+ cations (Fig. 1[link]).

[Figure 1]
Figure 1
The triclinic crystal structure of C-type Yb2Te3O9 in a view along [100]. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 95% probability level.

Synthesis and crystallization

Based on the general formula (Yb2O3)(TeO2)n, the corresponding oxides Yb2O3 and TeO2 in a molar ratio of 1:3 and an excess of caesium chloride, CsCl, as flux were reacted in evacuated silica glass ampoules at 1073 K for 10 d for this specific preparation with n = 3. In that way, hydrolysis- and air-resistant single crystals of Yb2Te3O9 were obtained in the form of colourless and transparent crystals.


Crystal data, data collection and structure refinement details are summarized in Table 1[link]. For the structure solution, coordinates were taken from an isotypic compound.

Table 1
Experimental details

Crystal data
Chemical formula O9Te3Yb2
Mr 872.88
Crystal system, space group Triclinic, P[\overline{1}]
Temperature (K) 293
a, b, c (Å) 6.9208 (4), 13.2576 (8), 14.5513 (9)
α, β, γ (°) 110.068 (3), 90.497 (3), 100.082 (3)
V3) 1231.29 (13)
Z 6
Radiation type Mo Kα
μ (mm−1) 33.12
Crystal size (mm) 0.05 × 0.04 × 0.02
Data collection
Diffractometer Nonius Kappa-CCD
Absorption correction Numerical [X-SHAPE (Stoe, 2020[Stoe (2020). X-SHAPE. Stoe & Cie, Darmstadt, Germany.]) based on HABITUS (Herrendorf, 1995[Herrendorf, W. (1995). HABITUS. University of Giessen, Germany.])]
Tmin, Tmax 0.107, 0.129
No. of measured, independent and observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections 43221, 6120, 5334
Rint 0.099
(sin θ/λ)max−1) 0.667
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.033, 0.065, 1.06
No. of reflections 6120
No. of parameters 375
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å−3) 2.05, −2.15
Computer programs: COLLECT (Nonius, 1998[Nonius (1998). COLLECT. Nonius BV, Delft, The Netherlands.]), DENZO/SCALEPACK (Otwinowski & Minor, 1997[Otwinowski, Z. & Minor, W. (1997). Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 276, Macromolecular Crystallography, Part A, edited by C. W. Carter Jr & R. M. Sweet, pp. 307-326. New York: Academic Press.]), SHELXL (Sheldrick, 2015[Sheldrick, G. M. (2015). Acta Cryst. C71, 3-8.]), DIAMOND (Brandenburg & Putz, 2005[Brandenburg, K. & Putz, H. (2005). DIAMOND. Crystal Impact GbR, Bonn, Germany.]) and publCIF (Westrip, 2010[Westrip, S. P. (2010). J. Appl. Cryst. 43, 920-925.]).

Structural data

Computing details top

Diytterbium enneaoxidotritellurate(IV) top
Crystal data top
O9Te3Yb2Z = 6
Mr = 872.88F(000) = 2208
Triclinic, P1Dx = 7.063 Mg m3
a = 6.9208 (4) ÅMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71069 Å
b = 13.2576 (8) ÅCell parameters from 5334 reflections
c = 14.5513 (9) Åθ = 0.4–28.3°
α = 110.068 (3)°µ = 33.12 mm1
β = 90.497 (3)°T = 293 K
γ = 100.082 (3)°Bar, colourless
V = 1231.29 (13) Å30.05 × 0.04 × 0.02 mm
Data collection top
Nonius Kappa-CCD
5334 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tubeRint = 0.099
four–circle, CCD–detector scansθmax = 28.3°, θmin = 1.5°
Absorption correction: numerical
[X-SHAPE (Stoe, 2020) based on HABITUS (Herrendorf, 1995)]
h = 99
Tmin = 0.107, Tmax = 0.129k = 1717
43221 measured reflectionsl = 1919
6120 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F20 restraints
Least-squares matrix: full w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0222P)2 + 9.0186P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.033(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
wR(F2) = 0.065Δρmax = 2.05 e Å3
S = 1.06Δρmin = 2.15 e Å3
6120 reflectionsExtinction correction: SHELXL (Sheldrick, 2015), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
375 parametersExtinction coefficient: 0.00102 (3)
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Yb10.24579 (5)0.45962 (3)0.53421 (3)0.00751 (9)
Yb20.75209 (5)0.05988 (3)0.47217 (3)0.00807 (9)
Yb30.83241 (5)0.27086 (3)0.33711 (3)0.00854 (9)
Yb40.17952 (5)0.22483 (3)0.66972 (3)0.00771 (9)
Yb50.07557 (6)0.33879 (3)0.92671 (3)0.00988 (9)
Yb60.48911 (5)0.23859 (3)0.02980 (3)0.00880 (9)
Te10.22726 (8)0.17280 (4)0.42919 (4)0.00798 (12)
Te20.35619 (8)0.84828 (4)0.29392 (4)0.00790 (12)
Te30.06320 (8)0.03237 (5)0.77302 (5)0.00941 (12)
Te40.35869 (8)0.35524 (4)0.27413 (4)0.00725 (12)
Te50.26918 (8)0.64602 (4)0.42041 (4)0.00723 (12)
Te60.96044 (8)0.18865 (5)0.06765 (5)0.00953 (12)
Te70.48888 (8)0.03448 (4)0.14179 (4)0.00901 (12)
Te80.86476 (8)0.47376 (4)0.19231 (4)0.00831 (12)
Te90.37548 (9)0.57923 (5)0.11773 (5)0.01079 (13)
O10.1500 (9)0.0878 (5)0.5091 (5)0.0093 (13)
O20.9580 (9)0.1526 (5)0.3857 (5)0.0109 (13)*
O30.2053 (9)0.2959 (4)0.5478 (5)0.0092 (13)
O40.4553 (9)0.9614 (5)0.4129 (5)0.0102 (13)
O50.4979 (9)0.7456 (5)0.3160 (5)0.0123 (14)
O60.1423 (8)0.8142 (5)0.3675 (5)0.0094 (13)
O70.2210 (9)0.0602 (5)0.6778 (5)0.0114 (13)
O80.1877 (9)0.0034 (5)0.2954 (5)0.0139 (14)
O90.0609 (9)0.1830 (5)0.8150 (5)0.0134 (14)
O100.3427 (9)0.2150 (5)0.1816 (5)0.0129 (13)
O110.5833 (9)0.3595 (5)0.3504 (5)0.0112 (13)
O120.1857 (8)0.3312 (5)0.3706 (5)0.0094 (13)
O130.6398 (9)0.2220 (5)0.4785 (5)0.0109 (13)
O140.4378 (9)0.5542 (5)0.4382 (5)0.0114 (13)
O150.8990 (8)0.4020 (5)0.4921 (5)0.0079 (12)
O160.9367 (9)0.2788 (5)0.1950 (5)0.0155 (14)
O170.1832 (9)0.7473 (5)0.0014 (5)0.0111 (13)
O180.1860 (9)0.2794 (5)0.0409 (5)0.0128 (14)
O190.6493 (10)0.1106 (5)0.2568 (5)0.0146 (14)
O200.3866 (10)0.0876 (5)0.8976 (5)0.0161 (14)
O210.6237 (9)0.1077 (5)0.0636 (5)0.0127 (13)
O220.9011 (10)0.4933 (5)0.3234 (5)0.0164 (14)
O230.6099 (9)0.3913 (5)0.1583 (5)0.0111 (13)
O240.1981 (9)0.3877 (5)0.7905 (5)0.0111 (13)
O250.4447 (10)0.3299 (6)0.9266 (6)0.0213 (16)
O260.1925 (10)0.6675 (6)0.1681 (5)0.0196 (15)
O270.2116 (14)0.5093 (6)0.0019 (6)0.037 (2)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Yb10.00545 (17)0.00573 (17)0.0114 (2)0.00094 (14)0.00023 (15)0.00313 (15)
Yb20.00707 (18)0.00507 (17)0.0115 (2)0.00071 (14)0.00108 (15)0.00243 (15)
Yb30.00709 (18)0.00659 (17)0.01136 (19)0.00226 (14)0.00040 (15)0.00197 (15)
Yb40.00500 (17)0.00603 (17)0.01166 (19)0.00071 (14)0.00043 (15)0.00274 (15)
Yb50.01007 (18)0.00722 (18)0.0111 (2)0.00072 (14)0.00103 (15)0.00284 (15)
Yb60.00642 (18)0.00662 (17)0.0129 (2)0.00124 (14)0.00043 (15)0.00286 (15)
Te10.0054 (3)0.0072 (3)0.0115 (3)0.0005 (2)0.0001 (2)0.0037 (2)
Te20.0058 (3)0.0068 (3)0.0109 (3)0.0012 (2)0.0008 (2)0.0027 (2)
Te30.0080 (3)0.0078 (3)0.0132 (3)0.0014 (2)0.0010 (2)0.0048 (2)
Te40.0058 (3)0.0065 (3)0.0098 (3)0.0018 (2)0.0001 (2)0.0030 (2)
Te50.0064 (3)0.0048 (2)0.0103 (3)0.0008 (2)0.0000 (2)0.0025 (2)
Te60.0085 (3)0.0091 (3)0.0123 (3)0.0038 (2)0.0017 (2)0.0043 (2)
Te70.0078 (3)0.0066 (3)0.0121 (3)0.0004 (2)0.0010 (2)0.0036 (2)
Te80.0070 (3)0.0063 (3)0.0108 (3)0.0009 (2)0.0005 (2)0.0021 (2)
Te90.0107 (3)0.0075 (3)0.0156 (3)0.0023 (2)0.0016 (2)0.0057 (2)
O10.011 (3)0.007 (3)0.011 (3)0.002 (2)0.001 (3)0.006 (3)
O30.015 (3)0.002 (3)0.009 (3)0.003 (2)0.001 (3)0.001 (2)
O40.006 (3)0.008 (3)0.015 (3)0.002 (2)0.002 (3)0.004 (3)
O50.006 (3)0.012 (3)0.024 (4)0.002 (2)0.004 (3)0.011 (3)
O60.004 (3)0.012 (3)0.010 (3)0.001 (2)0.000 (2)0.003 (3)
O70.015 (3)0.008 (3)0.012 (3)0.002 (2)0.003 (3)0.004 (3)
O80.007 (3)0.012 (3)0.020 (4)0.001 (2)0.004 (3)0.003 (3)
O90.014 (3)0.007 (3)0.018 (4)0.000 (2)0.005 (3)0.004 (3)
O100.017 (3)0.006 (3)0.014 (3)0.001 (3)0.006 (3)0.001 (3)
O110.007 (3)0.017 (3)0.014 (3)0.007 (3)0.002 (3)0.009 (3)
O120.004 (3)0.014 (3)0.010 (3)0.002 (2)0.001 (2)0.005 (3)
O130.011 (3)0.008 (3)0.012 (3)0.001 (2)0.001 (3)0.001 (3)
O140.007 (3)0.006 (3)0.022 (4)0.005 (2)0.001 (3)0.004 (3)
O150.005 (3)0.010 (3)0.010 (3)0.001 (2)0.001 (2)0.006 (3)
O160.011 (3)0.017 (3)0.018 (4)0.001 (3)0.001 (3)0.007 (3)
O170.006 (3)0.013 (3)0.016 (4)0.000 (2)0.003 (3)0.008 (3)
O180.006 (3)0.017 (3)0.015 (3)0.001 (3)0.001 (3)0.005 (3)
O190.016 (3)0.009 (3)0.016 (4)0.001 (3)0.004 (3)0.002 (3)
O200.021 (4)0.008 (3)0.018 (4)0.005 (3)0.005 (3)0.001 (3)
O210.013 (3)0.011 (3)0.016 (4)0.002 (3)0.001 (3)0.008 (3)
O220.015 (3)0.020 (3)0.012 (4)0.003 (3)0.002 (3)0.005 (3)
O230.007 (3)0.011 (3)0.016 (3)0.001 (2)0.001 (3)0.007 (3)
O240.010 (3)0.004 (3)0.015 (3)0.002 (2)0.003 (3)0.003 (3)
O250.019 (4)0.027 (4)0.026 (4)0.003 (3)0.003 (3)0.023 (3)
O260.012 (3)0.023 (4)0.024 (4)0.009 (3)0.001 (3)0.004 (3)
O270.069 (6)0.010 (4)0.026 (5)0.012 (4)0.016 (4)0.007 (3)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Yb1—O32.217 (6)Yb6—O25viii2.276 (7)
Yb1—O22i2.256 (7)Yb6—O212.295 (6)
Yb1—O14i2.273 (6)Yb6—O17ix2.305 (6)
Yb1—O15i2.374 (6)Yb6—O102.531 (7)
Yb1—O122.386 (6)Te1—O11.899 (6)
Yb1—O15ii2.394 (6)Te1—O2ii1.906 (6)
Yb1—O142.437 (6)Te1—O31.955 (6)
Yb1—O11i2.485 (7)Te1—O82.384 (6)
Yb2—O4iii2.219 (6)Te2—O41.886 (6)
Yb2—O7iv2.249 (6)Te2—O61.915 (6)
Yb2—O4i2.271 (6)Te2—O51.919 (6)
Yb2—O1iv2.279 (6)Te2—O262.526 (7)
Yb2—O22.367 (6)Te3—O71.867 (6)
Yb2—O6i2.374 (6)Te3—O91.881 (6)
Yb2—O132.384 (6)Te3—O8x1.894 (6)
Yb2—O1v2.737 (6)Te3—O202.697 (7)
Yb3—O192.194 (6)Te4—O101.868 (6)
Yb3—O22.223 (6)Te4—O111.884 (6)
Yb3—O112.225 (6)Te4—O121.926 (6)
Yb3—O162.227 (7)Te4—O232.531 (6)
Yb3—O152.309 (6)Te5—O13i1.858 (6)
Yb3—O12v2.425 (6)Te5—O141.902 (6)
Yb3—O132.662 (6)Te5—O15i1.924 (6)
Yb3—O222.979 (7)Te5—O52.691 (6)
Yb4—O5i2.193 (6)Te6—O161.855 (7)
Yb4—O6vi2.215 (6)Te6—O17ix1.893 (6)
Yb4—O242.250 (6)Te6—O18v1.926 (6)
Yb4—O32.271 (6)Te6—O212.380 (6)
Yb4—O72.292 (6)Te7—O191.862 (7)
Yb4—O12.399 (6)Te7—O20iv1.884 (6)
Yb4—O92.476 (7)Te7—O211.888 (6)
Yb5—O92.130 (6)Te7—O102.645 (6)
Yb5—O27vii2.176 (7)Te8—O221.844 (7)
Yb5—O18vii2.247 (7)Te8—O231.868 (6)
Yb5—O26vi2.275 (7)Te8—O24i1.895 (6)
Yb5—O17vi2.396 (6)Te8—O162.729 (7)
Yb5—O242.407 (7)Te9—O25i1.855 (6)
Yb5—O252.578 (7)Te9—O261.859 (6)
Yb5—O27vi3.014 (9)Te9—O271.874 (8)
Yb6—O182.250 (6)Te9—O52.974 (7)
Yb6—O232.253 (6)
O3—Yb1—O22i84.4 (2)O25viii—Yb6—O21149.5 (3)
O3—Yb1—O14i78.6 (2)O20viii—Yb6—O17ix94.9 (2)
O22i—Yb1—O14i110.2 (2)O18—Yb6—O17ix158.1 (2)
O3—Yb1—O15i148.3 (2)O23—Yb6—O17ix81.6 (2)
O22i—Yb1—O15i83.6 (2)O25viii—Yb6—O17ix89.4 (2)
O14i—Yb1—O15i133.1 (2)O21—Yb6—O17ix68.8 (2)
O3—Yb1—O1274.2 (2)O20viii—Yb6—O10110.5 (2)
O22i—Yb1—O12140.0 (2)O18—Yb6—O1070.0 (2)
O14i—Yb1—O1298.3 (2)O23—Yb6—O1072.4 (2)
O15i—Yb1—O1297.2 (2)O25viii—Yb6—O10137.8 (2)
O3—Yb1—O15ii80.7 (2)O21—Yb6—O1072.1 (2)
O22i—Yb1—O15ii73.5 (2)O17ix—Yb6—O10126.1 (2)
O14i—Yb1—O15ii158.4 (2)O1—Te1—O2ii89.2 (3)
O15i—Yb1—O15ii67.8 (2)O1—Te1—O383.8 (3)
O12—Yb1—O15ii70.0 (2)O2ii—Te1—O392.8 (3)
O3—Yb1—O14136.8 (2)O1—Te1—O886.4 (2)
O22i—Yb1—O14136.9 (2)O2ii—Te1—O878.6 (2)
O14i—Yb1—O1474.9 (2)O3—Te1—O8167.0 (2)
O15i—Yb1—O1466.2 (2)O4—Te2—O684.7 (3)
O12—Yb1—O1476.5 (2)O4—Te2—O594.4 (3)
O15ii—Yb1—O14117.7 (2)O6—Te2—O593.5 (3)
O3—Yb1—O11i130.1 (2)O4—Te2—O26163.3 (3)
O22i—Yb1—O11i69.1 (2)O6—Te2—O2682.0 (2)
O14i—Yb1—O11i72.7 (2)O5—Te2—O2676.5 (3)
O15i—Yb1—O11i71.3 (2)O7—Te3—O984.1 (3)
O12—Yb1—O11i148.8 (2)O7—Te3—O8x99.8 (3)
O15ii—Yb1—O11i126.6 (2)O9—Te3—O8x92.1 (3)
O14—Yb1—O11i72.3 (2)O7—Te3—O2089.4 (3)
O4iii—Yb2—O7iv71.8 (2)O9—Te3—O2086.1 (2)
O4iii—Yb2—O4i65.0 (3)O8x—Te3—O20170.4 (3)
O7iv—Yb2—O4i128.6 (2)O10—Te4—O1198.4 (3)
O4iii—Yb2—O1iv90.8 (2)O10—Te4—O12103.3 (3)
O7iv—Yb2—O1iv71.9 (2)O11—Te4—O1292.1 (3)
O4i—Yb2—O1iv82.0 (2)O10—Te4—O2378.7 (2)
O4iii—Yb2—O2123.4 (2)O11—Te4—O2383.2 (2)
O7iv—Yb2—O271.7 (2)O12—Te4—O23175.2 (2)
O4i—Yb2—O2157.9 (2)O13i—Te5—O14103.0 (3)
O1iv—Yb2—O2116.4 (2)O13i—Te5—O15i89.7 (3)
O4iii—Yb2—O6i129.3 (2)O14—Te5—O15i86.8 (3)
O7iv—Yb2—O6i157.4 (2)O13i—Te5—O582.2 (2)
O4i—Yb2—O6i66.8 (2)O14—Te5—O599.3 (2)
O1iv—Yb2—O6i97.3 (2)O15i—Te5—O5170.8 (2)
O2—Yb2—O6i97.2 (2)O16—Te6—O17ix99.2 (3)
O4iii—Yb2—O1390.2 (2)O16—Te6—O18v97.4 (3)
O7iv—Yb2—O13116.7 (2)O17ix—Te6—O18v84.1 (3)
O4i—Yb2—O1390.5 (2)O16—Te6—O2187.5 (3)
O1iv—Yb2—O13171.2 (2)O17ix—Te6—O2173.9 (2)
O2—Yb2—O1370.0 (2)O18v—Te6—O21157.9 (2)
O6i—Yb2—O1375.4 (2)O19—Te7—O20iv95.8 (3)
O4iii—Yb2—O1v154.0 (2)O19—Te7—O2196.6 (3)
O7iv—Yb2—O1v88.8 (2)O20iv—Te7—O2196.9 (3)
O4i—Yb2—O1v120.2 (2)O19—Te7—O1085.2 (2)
O1iv—Yb2—O1v66.3 (2)O20iv—Te7—O10172.7 (3)
O2—Yb2—O1v62.7 (2)O21—Te7—O1075.8 (2)
O6i—Yb2—O1v68.62 (19)O22—Te8—O23102.6 (3)
O13—Yb2—O1v114.33 (19)O22—Te8—O24i97.2 (3)
O19—Yb3—O274.8 (2)O23—Te8—O24i97.7 (3)
O19—Yb3—O1193.8 (2)O22—Te8—O1675.0 (3)
O2—Yb3—O11144.5 (2)O23—Te8—O1680.9 (2)
O19—Yb3—O1688.9 (2)O24i—Te8—O16171.4 (2)
O2—Yb3—O16113.1 (2)O25i—Te9—O26101.5 (3)
O11—Yb3—O1699.8 (2)O25i—Te9—O2798.2 (3)
O19—Yb3—O15141.9 (2)O26—Te9—O2789.3 (4)
O2—Yb3—O1591.1 (2)O25i—Te9—O585.2 (3)
O11—Yb3—O1577.4 (2)O26—Te9—O566.0 (3)
O16—Yb3—O15128.9 (2)O27—Te9—O5155.2 (3)
O19—Yb3—O12v132.2 (2)Te1—O1—Yb2iv133.7 (3)
O2—Yb3—O12v70.3 (2)Te1—O1—Yb4102.2 (2)
O11—Yb3—O12v133.1 (2)Yb2iv—O1—Yb4106.4 (2)
O16—Yb3—O12v76.2 (2)Te1—O1—Yb2ii97.2 (2)
O15—Yb3—O12v70.7 (2)Yb2iv—O1—Yb2ii113.7 (2)
O19—Yb3—O1377.5 (2)Yb4—O1—Yb2ii98.0 (2)
O2—Yb3—O1367.1 (2)Te1v—O2—Yb3124.1 (3)
O11—Yb3—O1377.7 (2)Te1v—O2—Yb2110.6 (3)
O16—Yb3—O13165.9 (2)Yb3—O2—Yb2116.5 (3)
O15—Yb3—O1364.5 (2)Te1—O3—Yb1116.8 (3)
O12v—Yb3—O13115.8 (2)Te1—O3—Yb4105.0 (2)
O19—Yb3—O22136.8 (2)Yb1—O3—Yb4137.7 (3)
O2—Yb3—O22146.0 (2)Te2—O4—Yb2xi134.0 (3)
O11—Yb3—O2260.4 (2)Te2—O4—Yb2i106.5 (3)
O16—Yb3—O2265.1 (2)Yb2xi—O4—Yb2i115.0 (3)
O15—Yb3—O2270.1 (2)Te2—O5—Yb4i122.0 (3)
O12v—Yb3—O2276.71 (19)Te2—O6—Yb4vi130.6 (3)
O13—Yb3—O22123.25 (18)Te2—O6—Yb2i101.7 (2)
O5i—Yb4—O6vi171.8 (2)Yb4vi—O6—Yb2i115.5 (3)
O5i—Yb4—O2487.4 (2)Te3—O7—Yb2iv126.1 (3)
O6vi—Yb4—O2498.7 (2)Te3—O7—Yb4107.8 (3)
O5i—Yb4—O387.4 (2)Yb2iv—O7—Yb4111.1 (3)
O6vi—Yb4—O386.8 (2)Te3x—O8—Te1111.5 (3)
O24—Yb4—O394.5 (2)Te3x—O8—Te2iii118.0 (3)
O5i—Yb4—O781.1 (2)Te1—O8—Te2iii123.5 (3)
O6vi—Yb4—O798.8 (2)Te3—O9—Yb5152.1 (4)
O24—Yb4—O7129.9 (2)Te3—O9—Yb4100.4 (3)
O3—Yb4—O7133.0 (2)Yb5—O9—Yb4104.7 (2)
O5i—Yb4—O194.8 (2)Te4—O10—Yb6106.7 (3)
O6vi—Yb4—O177.7 (2)Te4—O11—Yb3138.5 (3)
O24—Yb4—O1161.1 (2)Te4—O11—Yb1i117.9 (3)
O3—Yb4—O166.9 (2)Yb3—O11—Yb1i98.0 (2)
O7—Yb4—O169.0 (2)Te4—O12—Yb1117.8 (3)
O5i—Yb4—O9107.4 (2)Te4—O12—Yb3ii123.1 (3)
O6vi—Yb4—O979.6 (2)Yb1—O12—Yb3ii107.7 (2)
O24—Yb4—O974.2 (2)Te5i—O13—Yb2120.9 (3)
O3—Yb4—O9160.6 (2)Te5i—O13—Yb397.3 (2)
O7—Yb4—O963.4 (2)Yb2—O13—Yb3101.2 (2)
O1—Yb4—O9122.5 (2)Te5—O14—Yb1i145.5 (3)
O9—Yb5—O27vii152.5 (3)Te5—O14—Yb1102.4 (3)
O9—Yb5—O18vii91.7 (2)Yb1i—O14—Yb1105.1 (2)
O27vii—Yb5—O18vii95.0 (3)Te5i—O15—Yb3108.2 (3)
O9—Yb5—O26vi79.5 (3)Te5i—O15—Yb1i104.0 (2)
O27vii—Yb5—O26vi108.5 (3)Yb3—O15—Yb1i98.9 (2)
O18vii—Yb5—O26vi144.8 (2)Te5i—O15—Yb1v119.9 (3)
O9—Yb5—O17vi87.2 (2)Yb3—O15—Yb1v111.4 (2)
O27vii—Yb5—O17vi119.9 (3)Yb1i—O15—Yb1v112.2 (2)
O18vii—Yb5—O17vi66.7 (2)Te6—O16—Yb3140.9 (3)
O26vi—Yb5—O17vi78.7 (2)Te6ix—O17—Yb6ix113.4 (3)
O9—Yb5—O2477.8 (2)Te6ix—O17—Yb5vi101.2 (2)
O27vii—Yb5—O2479.5 (3)Yb6ix—O17—Yb5vi144.8 (3)
O18vii—Yb5—O24138.2 (2)Te6ii—O18—Yb5viii105.5 (3)
O26vi—Yb5—O2473.5 (2)Te6ii—O18—Yb6123.6 (3)
O17vi—Yb5—O24150.3 (2)Yb5viii—O18—Yb6117.8 (3)
O9—Yb5—O2580.8 (2)Te7—O19—Yb3141.9 (4)
O27vii—Yb5—O2578.0 (3)Te7iv—O20—Yb6vii124.2 (3)
O18vii—Yb5—O2565.1 (2)Te7—O21—Yb6118.8 (3)
O26vi—Yb5—O25144.2 (2)Te7—O21—Te6131.9 (3)
O17vi—Yb5—O25129.7 (2)Yb6—O21—Te697.5 (2)
O24—Yb5—O2573.3 (2)Te8—O22—Yb1i142.4 (4)
O9—Yb5—O27vi134.4 (2)Te8—O22—Yb3106.6 (3)
O27vii—Yb5—O27vi65.5 (4)Yb1i—O22—Yb384.5 (2)
O18vii—Yb5—O27vi114.1 (2)Te8—O23—Yb6130.8 (3)
O26vi—Yb5—O27vi57.5 (2)Te8i—O24—Yb4138.4 (3)
O17vi—Yb5—O27vi71.4 (2)Te8i—O24—Yb5106.4 (3)
O24—Yb5—O27vi101.3 (2)Yb4—O24—Yb5103.2 (2)
O25—Yb5—O27vi143.4 (2)Te9i—O25—Yb6vii130.6 (4)
O20viii—Yb6—O1891.6 (2)Te9i—O25—Yb5121.7 (3)
O20viii—Yb6—O23176.4 (2)Yb6vii—O25—Yb5104.8 (2)
O18—Yb6—O2391.4 (2)Te9—O26—Yb5vi120.9 (4)
O20viii—Yb6—O25viii84.6 (3)Te9—O26—Te2111.1 (3)
O18—Yb6—O25viii70.4 (2)Yb5vi—O26—Te2119.2 (3)
O23—Yb6—O25viii94.5 (2)Te9—O27—Yb5viii131.9 (4)
O20viii—Yb6—O2176.7 (2)Te9—O27—Yb5vi91.9 (3)
O18—Yb6—O21133.1 (2)Yb5viii—O27—Yb5vi114.5 (4)
O23—Yb6—O21102.7 (2)
Symmetry codes: (i) x+1, y+1, z+1; (ii) x1, y, z; (iii) x, y1, z; (iv) x+1, y, z+1; (v) x+1, y, z; (vi) x, y+1, z+1; (vii) x, y, z+1; (viii) x, y, z1; (ix) x+1, y+1, z; (x) x, y, z+1; (xi) x, y+1, z.


We thank Dr Falk Lissner for the single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements.


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