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Figure 1
The extended asymmetric unit of (1) showing the coordination environment of the Co2+ cation. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 30% probability level. The solvent water and DMF mol­ecules are not shown for clarity. [Symmetry codes: (A) −x + [{3\over 2}], y + [{1\over 2}], −z + [{1\over 2}]; (B) −x + [{3\over 2}], y + [{1\over 2}], −z + [{3\over 2}]; (C) −x + [{3\over 2}], y − [{1\over 2}], −z + [{1\over 2}]; (D) −x + [{3\over 2}], y − [{1\over 2}], –z + [{3\over 2}].]

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