Word templates

IUCrWord Word templates and tools

For Windows

The document below can be used as a generic template for writing articles intended for publication in IUCr Journals.

The document contains embedded styles which not only help to format your document (e.g. automatic section numbering), but also facilitate document processing once submitted to IUCr Journals.


If you are writing an article based on structural data in CIF format, you can create a document with tables of experimental data extracted from the CIF using the buttons below (if you have a wwPDB code use the 'Fetch CIF' button).

  Choose CIF 
Fetch CIF

If your article reports structural data for which you have a CIF, there are a number of publication-oriented tools at publcif.iucr.org

If you use Open Office, a simple style-based document template is also available: iucr_template.odt

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