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Figure 4
Water accessibility maps of MtEno at several stages of PEP to 2PG reaction catalysis. (a) |Fo| − |Fc| maps carved around ligand coordinates at the 3σ level. (b) PEP to 2PG conversion activity assay with MtEno WT and various point mutants. Error bars indicate the range for n = 2 for technical triplicates. (c) Activity assay of MtEno with varying metal ion concentration with 2PG/PEP as the substrate. (d) Cartoon representation of chain A of MtEno WT in the apo state with water-accessible tunnels shown: loops 1 (blue), 2 (green), 3 (red) and 4 (yellow) are highlighted. (e) Solvent-accessible tunnels shown for all structures solved. Loops 1–4 shown using the same representation as (d), structurally aligned to the corresponding loops in the MtEno WT Apo structure (gray loops). Ligands are hidden for clarity. Contours of the monomers are shown in the background. Whether the Mg2+ ions were modeled in the structures in (c) and (d) is indicated with a tick or cross along with the possibility of their occurrence in all states.

Volume 10| Part 6| November 2023| Pages 738-753
ISSN: 2052-2525