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Figure 1
Flow diagram showing the overall process followed in our approach to obtaining single-crystal-quality data from a polycrystalline sample. The different stages of the process are illustrated on the right-hand side. Stage I illustrates the frozen capillary which is then screened with the X-ray beam (stage II) to test if large multiple crystals are present (as seen here) or whether the sample is simply a polycrystalline powder. If the unit-cell determination from the screening frames (stage III) is successful, data to 1.0 Å resolution is collected for an initial structure solution as shown in stage IV. The final stage is to obtain a full sphere of data to ca 0.84 Å resolution (stage V) for publication from which the final structure is refined.

Volume 10| Part 6| November 2023| Pages 720-728
ISSN: 2052-2525