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Figure 7
Out-of-plane c axis vaterite crystals. CXDI images obtained with Vx = 32.5 nm on a microspheroid from 120 mM 1 g g l−1 8 h with (a) a 3D view and (b) 3D views of the three largest vaterite crystals of the microspheroid shown by the yellow arrows in (a). In (a), the scale bar corresponds to the radius of the prolate microspheroid. The vectors a, b and c refer here to the crystallographic axes of vaterite according to Kamhi's model [P63/mmc space group (Kamhi, 1963BB28)]. The crystallographic structure was confirmed by TEM (results not shown). Note that one is broken. (c) Plot of ϕ as a function of θ for the ∼100 largest nanoparticles of the microspheroid shown in (a). The dashed line refers to the equation ϕ = θ. The scheme on the right represents the prolate microspheroid. The center is O. The intersection between the microspheroid and a nanoparticle is P. θ is the angle between OP and the z axis. ϕ is the angle of the c axis of the nanoparticles and the z axis of the microspheroid.

Volume 9| Part 5| September 2022| Pages 580-593
ISSN: 2052-2525