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Figure 2
2D section through the 4D electron density map calculated on the basis of the 737 phased diffraction peaks. Two atomic layers of the physical space are superposed here. Four atomic surfaces centered along the [1111] direction are identified. They divide the long-body diagonal of the 4D unit cell into five equal sections. In the magnified picture of the section through one 4D unit cell, the distribution of the electron density within four atomic surfaces is emphasized. The smaller picture with four pentagons of the RPT is given as a guide. The maximal electron density is located in the first and fourth pentagons suggesting the distribution of TM atoms. The parameter a4D is the edge-length of the 4D unit cell, which in the case of decagonite is equal to 5.478 Å.

Volume 8| Part 1| January 2021| Pages 87-101
ISSN: 2052-2525