linking to articles

DOI linking

All articles in Crystallography Journals Online have an associated digital object identifier (DOI). This is a unique code that can be used to construct a persistent link to the authoritative online version of an article. This persistent linking is enabled by the Crossref system.

Knowing the DOI of an article allows you to construct a link as follows:

Crossref base URL + DOI

For example, consider the table of contents found at The first research article in this issue has the following bibliographic details:

Acta Cryst. (2003). D59, 16-22  [ doi:10.1107/S0907444902017523 ]

Given the Crossref base URL "" and the article DOI "10.1107/S0907444902017523", the DOI link to access the article would be:


Crystallography Journals Online also provides links to its articles via OpenURL syntax. The syntax is as follows:

Base URL + OpenURL parameters

The base URL for OpenURL linking is "" and the currently supported OpenURL parameters are:

  • issn
  • volume
  • issue
  • part
  • spage
  • aulast
  • atitle

Bold items are required in all links, while issue is only required if the spage parameter is not supplied.

If we consider the same example article

Acta Cryst. (2003). D59, 16-22  [ doi:10.1107/S0907444902017523]

the journal is Acta Crystallographica Section D, which has an issn of "0907-4449", the volume is "59" and the start page number (spage) is "16", from which the following OpenURL link can be constructed:

If the start page number is not given, an article can also be requested by pattern matching on words in the the article title (atitle) and/or on the last name of the first author (aulast). In such cases, the issue is also required. For example

finds the same article as does

The second of the above links returns two articles that match the link showing that pattern matching may produce ambiguous results. However,  pattern matching can be useful is resolving ambiguities that occur where two articles have the same start page number (spage). For example,

selects four articles on the same page, whereas activation

allows one specific article to be selected.

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