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Figure 5
Gas evolution around the bubble onset time (tbo) during X-ray irradiation for (ab) agar samples, (cd) human brain tissue samples and (ef) human lung tissue samples. Four dominant chemical species detected by the micro-gas chromatograph, including N2, O2, EtOH and H2O, are shown here in their relative concentrations (rel. conc.) at 6 min, 3 min before bubble onset and 5 min, 10 min after it. The relative concentrations are separated into two sets corresponding to the two modules: MS5A measured O2 and N2 concentrations (yellow), while PDMS10 measured EtOH, H2O and O2 + N2 (purple). The relative concentrations are expressed on a normalized scale, where 0 indicates 0% concentration and 1 corresponds to 100% concentration. For each type of gas, the corresponding tbo is drawn in the figures with vertical red lines. The general behavior before and after bubble onset is that the relative concentrations of dissolved gasses (N2 and O2) remain constant, while the solvent vapor (EtOH and H2O) shows noticeable changes.

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