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Figure 4
Double, triple and quadruple correlations at (k1, k2) = (0.12 nm−1, 0.08 nm−1). The thick gray lines represent the target correlations calculated directly from the original model. The short-dashed red, green and blue lines represent the correlations Cd, Td and Dd computed from 50 000 simulated diffraction patterns including background and noise, with the incident laser flux set to 1012, 1013 and 1014 photons per square micrometre per shot, respectively. The long-dashed lines are the corresponding correlations Cs, Ts and Ds after noise elimination. The thin solid lines are C, T and D after further background subtraction, which are less noticeable as they are overlapped with the thick gray lines.

Volume 11| Part 1| January 2024| Pages 92-108
ISSN: 2052-2525